Okay, so this is where i am. Long way from the beginning, huh? i decided to print on the paper and actually fold the plate, which is actually something that's been in the back of my mind since the beginning. i just didn't feel i was ready.
If i had done this from the beginning, i probably wouldn't have taken an abstract route and ended up making glorified origami paper. i'm actually very happy with this and where i am with the idea right now and i think i'm gonna work on this particular image for the remainder of the semester.
i just wish it looked as good in person as it does in this image.
Origami Print Phase 7
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
10:09 PM
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Printmaking: Origami Pt. 4
Obviously i skipped part 3. it wasnt too significant of a jump, but maybe later. Again, i just ink the folded shape and print it. I decided to create my own and be a more abstract. The most interesting part is the way the shapes under the surface come through and create more complex ones.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
10:13 PM
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Printmaking: Origami Pt. 2
Okay, so i figured out something to do with the environment, but i just have to take it a little farther. These experiments were really helpful, but its moving too slow. i think i'll take a break from these images for a while.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
11:49 PM
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Labels: print
Printmaking: Origami
Here's an experiment for printmaking class. i'm working with origami for pretty much every class this semester. for this one, i decided to use origami animals to print like stamps. i need to figure out something for the environment though.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
10:25 PM
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Labels: print
This is the result of many weeks of arduous designs and re-designs for a class assignment: take the traditional printer's mark and make it contemporary and yours. i took a traditional crest and added some modern symbols, like the barcode and page icon, and a laurel, cause i'm the greatest, duh. This one is currently being turned into a rubber stamp which i'll go pick up tomorrow. i'm so excited. pics to come.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
10:25 PM
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Labels: design
So Yeah, I Saw It
The Dark Knight was PHENOMENAL! Excellent movie. This one was THEE one for the Summer of '08. The action was superb, the story was great, and Heath Ledger [R.I.P.] was powerful.
Go out and see it NOW. (Don't take the kids though.)
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
10:32 PM
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Sean Bell -NYC Shooting: Detectives Aquitted
I really try to keep this kind of thing to a minimum, but sometimes you gotta say something, albeit this is just my opinion. This was another debacle and failure of the justice system. I'm not sure on the correct course of actions that need to be taken, but something needs to be done. As it stands, 50 shots on the unarmed is not a crime. As Mikey Factz put it:
"the justice system is not labeling discharging 50 shots as a crime, but as a procedure. Which means that every minority walking the streets of America is liable to get pummeled by a barrage of bullets."And that's definitely how it feels right now.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
2:06 PM
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What Had Happened Was...
Okay, it's been a while. i apologize for keeping ya'll (yup, ya'll) waiting. It's been as crazy as always around these parts and i'm still working hard.
So, i have a few updates. As you can see up top, a new papertoy, and as you can see below, no download link. this particular one is an exclusive that will only appear in an upcoming papertoy book featuring some of the paper toy artists we all know and love. Unfortunately, it won't be released until next year. The good news is, there's a series of these UNITs that i'll be releasing very soon. If you collect them all... well, i'll save that for later. And don't worry, they won't be limited edition.
Which brings me to my next point. i've been getting alot emails (and i thank you all), so i figured i'd answer all of the questions i've been getting. i'm sure you noticed by now that none of the download links work. i was hosting my files on FileDen and i hadn't logged into my account for over 30 days so they washed my files away. So, in light of that, i'm taking the time out to re-work the 4 models i'd done previously and re-release them in one super PDF with 4 more, all-new models. After that, the Tubii's will be retired, but the Tubii Pack will still be available for download.
And lastly, the Jam Master Jay papertoy was taken down a while ago. At that time, i had gotten a very polite, but stern email at my old email address (that i signed into just by chance) from Shin Tanaka, stating i was in violation of his copyright. When i tested the model, i used his shoe template for Jay's shoes because it was faster, but when i released the model, i forgot to switch them with my own designs. Not a good look. It was a flub on my part, and i apologize. But, like i said, Jay WILL be in the Tubii Pack.
And, as always, the Flickr has been updated.
Posted by
Bryan Rollins
11:13 PM
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Labels: papercraft